
A few things we’re great at

Howfa market

Howfa market is a multivendor market place where both buyers and seller can register to either buy or sell items. With the Howfa Market we accept sellers all over Africa and also Africans who are in China and wish to open shops to sell in their various countries. There is a lot of control and security as the seller only receives payment after delivery is being confirmed by buyer. So quality is very important.

Live stream

In the live streaming section, we can:

Go Live with viewers

Post videos All in various categories like Africa, Faces, Comedy, Business, etc


With wallet, we are integrating various currencies using the local payment API to facilitate transfer of money within the app for free and out of the app with little fee. For now, we have wallet for various currencies as XAF, NAIRA, ZAR, USD, More updates coming


With Mobile/Utilities, we are integrating means of

– mobile phone top-up,

– payment of electricity bills,

– cables, etc.

So far, we are able to have all the 4 functions in Nigeria separately while in the rest of the countries you can easily top-up your phone no matter where you are in the world. All you need is to top-up money in your howfa app then can use it to buy whatever you want.

food delivery

Our food delivery will help those who own restaurants and those who can cook well without owning restaurants to open an online food restaurants in various countries where we shall start operation.          With this, we shall work closely with those opening restaurants online by having good hygienic environment and a medical report showing fit. Local delivery riders will be generated around this areas which will believe can create more jobs to locals.

health update

We created a health update code precisely for Covid19 control throughout the continent of Africa through our Howfa App. This health update can be shared to governments of various countries that wish to have first hand statistics of its citizens. We have the following colors:

•Green that symbolizes vaccinated

•Yellow that shows that one has taken the Covid19 test

•Red that shows that neither a COVID test nor Vaccine has been conducted on the individual. These colors show automatically on the individual’s phone once one of the above is true.

hotel booking

This is a simple integration app for booking of hotels around the world. You can book and pay for your hotel directly using the howfa app.

howfa taxi

•HOWFA TAXI works as a means for easy movement around the city. Here, we shall have control over the driver’s moves and the person booking for the taxi through the admin dashboard. Drivers will be thoroughly checked before being accepted to subscribe into the driver’s section of the app.

expose africa

•This is a site we call “Find Your Way.

•It shall cover all works of life and directories in various countries in Africa where it will be very easy for foreigners or locals to be able to search for local skills and businesses.